European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) P.O. Box 1229 Maastricht, Limburg 6201 BE Netherlands
2-Stage Seminar: Evaluation and Monitoring of EU Structural Funds Programmes 2014-2020
Maastricht, 21-23 October 2015 • Find out more
This two-stage seminar consists of illustrated presentations, group discussions and workshops:
Stage 1 (day one) will deal with the essentials: the Evaluation-Policy Cycle, evaluation terminology and monitoring tasks, as well as understanding the basic methods used for conducting ex ante programme and project appraisals, evaluations during the programming period and ex post impact assessments of projects and programmes. It will look at changes for the 2014-2020 programming period, result-orientation and the quantification of programmes using result and output indicators for projects and programmes. There will be exercises with indicators, priority-setting, project appraisal and employment creation.
Stage 2 (days two and three) assumes that participants have the background knowledge of methods and concepts covered in Stage 1. Keynote speeches will be given by European Commission officials and expert consultants in the field. The European Commission will outline highlights from its new monitoring and evaluation conceptual framework for 2014-2020 and describe what it sees as the particular challenges for Member States in the new programming period, starting with the need for an Evaluation Plan for all programmes.
Major Projects and Revenue-Generating Projects in Practice
Maastricht, 10-11 November 2015 • Find out more
EU co-funded major projects will continue to play a key role in bridging Europe’s infrastructure gap and supporting important investments in certain sectors of industry. This practitioners’ seminar-workshop will look at the EU major project approval system and the important changes that have been made for the 2014-2020 programming period. It will consider all the key steps of the application form and so cover all the disciplines of a cost-benefit analysis, in particular the financial analysis and the economic analysis.
The seminar will also consider in depth the rules for revenue-generating projects, whether major projects or not, and the calculation of the grant. The new possibilities for using public-private partnerships (PPP) with EU co-finance will also be outlined.
Delivering Better Results and Making Greater Use of Simplification in ESI Funds
Maastricht, 19-20 November 2015 • Find out more
This seminar will address issues related to delivering better results and making greater use of simplification with the ESI funds in the programming period 2014-2020. There will be several sessions on the new rules around Simplified Cost Options (SCO) and its different options, on result-based management and JAPs (Joint Action Plans), and on different ways to simplify implementing ESI through wider use of lump sums, flat rates and standard unit costs, as well as looking at linking finance and results in programmes and projects. Furthermore, the seminar will cover best practices in simplification of ESI funds in several EU Member States.
At the end of the seminar, the participants should have a clear understanding of how to improve implementation and absorption of the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to best develop and support complex projects with SCOs and JAPs.
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