Terms of Reference (ToR) are at the heart of every service contract under EU External Assistance (IPA, ENI, DCI, EDF). They are used at different stages of the project cycle, from tendering to monitoring and evaluation. Mistakes made during the drafting of the ToR are likely to become magnified during the implementation of the project, jeopardising the outcomes and reducing its impact. Therefore, a clear understanding of the function of ToR is necessary for those involved in the design as well as in the analysis of ToR. The objectives of the seminar are three-fold: 1. to give participants a thorough understanding of the specific features of ToR for EuropeAid contracts; 2. to enhance the capacities of all stakeholders in the project cycle (contracting authorities, beneficiaries, and contractors)to prepare high quality projects; 3. to gain a direct experience of how the design of the project relates to the outcome and to the long-term impact of a project.
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