For the 9th year in a row, we are proud to invite you to attend EIPA Luxembourg's successful summer school on the Law of the European Union and its Implementation.
Join colleagues from EU Institutions and national administration from all over Europe for this two-week course which is divided into three parts: It first provides a comprehensive overview of the constitutional organisation of the European Union, including the fundamental principles on which the Union is funded (5 days). Secondly, it offers an overview of specific policy areas, where you can choose between two different sets of modules, one focusing on Internal Market issues or the other, which focuses on Justice and Home Affairs (2 days). Lastly, it a) introduces a practical overview of the implementation of EU law at the EU level (comitology) and by the Member States and the consequences thereof for the EU Member States in terms of administrative capacities and human resources and b) updates participants on current development affecting the EU today (3 days). Due to the highly interactive nature of the programme, the number of places is limited and registrations will be accepted on the basis of first come, first served.
Find out more: Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (pdf)
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