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The Treaty of Lisbon marked a new step in the perennial debate over EU agencies, their powers and functioning, and their positioning within the EU organisational structure. Indeed, the reforms enacted by Lisbon inaugurate a new legal and institutional framework with a number of major practical implications for EU agencies. Against this backdrop, and going beyond purely legalistic considerations, this seminar has a pragmatic vocation as it will strive to describe this regulatory setting where the EU agencies work, as well as providing guidance on all those fundamental procedures in which the agencies intervene, interacting with Member State officials and representatives of private commercial interests (scientific substantiation, rule-making procedures, etc.). Finally, it will also discuss the matter of the legal standing of these agencies before the EU Courts and the potential jurisdictional review of their acts. This seminar would also like to contribute to the above debate, addressing issues such as the agencies’ competences and the current calls to revise the so-called Meroni doctrine, which delimits their current powers and the potential practical consequences of this revisionist view.
Find out more: Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (pdf)
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