The course will offer an explanation of the key concepts and principles of privacy, before addressing the latest developments and challenges in the field of personal data use and protection.
How should personal data be protected in a globalised world with increased mobility, and in the wake of modern communication and information technologies? Which data is accessed and exchanged by public authorities and private companies? How well are the current rules on personal data protection working? What are the expectations of individuals, businesses and society as a whole? Numerous practical examples coming from both the public and private sectors, combined with a high level of interactivity, will provide participants with all they need to know about changes to data protection practice, as well as an insight into how to handle the myriad issues that arise in the workplace on a daily basis.
List of experts: Diana Alonso Blas, Data Protection Officer and Head of Data Protection Service, Eurojust Dr Paolo Balboni, Partner at ICT Legal Consulting & Scientific Director of the European PrivacyAssociation John Borking, Borking Consultancy and former Commissioner at the Dutch Data ProtectionAuthority Daniel Drewer, Head of Unit, Data Protection Office, Europol Brian Honan, Director, BH Consulting, Dublin Leena Kuusniemi, Senior Legal counsel, Rovio Entertainment Ltd, Finland Philippe Renaudière, Data Protection Officer of the EC Thomas Zerdick, Head of Sector - Data Protection Reform, DG Justice, European Commission Find out more: Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (pdf)
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