Do you want to know if European countries have increased their education budgets compared to last year? And if so, why and by how much?
The National Sheets on Education Budgets in Europe for 2015 show that when comparing the evolution within a country of planned national education budgets from 2014 to 2015 at constant prices, more than half of the European countries/regions have increased their education budget by more than 1 %. On the other hand, four countries/regions have decreased their education budget by more than 1 % for the same period.
This annual Eurydice publication provides an update of the most recent data on planned education budgets by country. National education budgets are presented by type of expenditure and education level.
The report covers 26 EU Member States as well as other countries participating in the Eurydice network.
Eurydice report: National Sheets on Education Budgets in Europe – 2015
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